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CeColDB - Help & Information

The website

The <genes>-page gives you access to a gene/protein centered view on the collagen-like proteins in C. elegans. You can browse through all proteins we have included (which are all collagens and proteins which might erroneously be considered as collagens)
The <clusters>-page display our current classification of collagen in C. elegans. Version 1.0 was made available together with our publication of the C. elegans matrisome. You can easily explore the various clusters defined by the different structure of the collagen domains.
Various domains beside collagen domains can be identified in the collagen-like proteins of C. elegans. Some features are hand-curated, other are derived automatically from the pfam website. We regularly update our pfam-prediction, however, there might be still newer information available at pfam.xfam.org
All our data are free to download. Here we offer various ways, to download out information. If you need it in a further format or if you need any other help in accessing and using our data, we are happy to help - please contact us!

Citing / Using the data

If you use our data, it would be great if you cite our paper and link to this page. The official link is CeColDB.permalink.cc.
Using the Data
Use our data, however, it suits you. We would be grateful if you cite it, whenever it is possible

Related projects

C. elegans matrisome
We created this page during the C. elegans matrisome project, which is hosted here.
C. elegans matrisome annotator
To identify matrisomal genes in your dataset you can use our brilliantly progammed C. elegans Matrisome Annotator here.

Resources, we used building this website

We thank permalink.cc for making a permanent URL for us available (Frankly, we also maintain permalink.cc - so this is a really shameless pluck ). You can get your own permanent URL for ANY scientific resources at permalink.cc.
Open source packages
We use several free and open source packages by various developers. We are really grateful for all their work and are happy to reference their projects here, in no particular order: